




過往媒體工作經驗提煉而成的好奇個性,時刻都在觀察台南的人與事,每天都被台南的美所驚艷,每幢老房子、獨有的人情味、廟宇文化⋯⋯發掘這裡的美好,成為日常生活之一。 觀察的路上也驚訝港台差異,早餐便是澎湃的牛肉湯與白飯、吃蕃茄都要沾醬油膏⋯⋯每處不同都在顛覆港人的大腦。

成為台南人的年資雖淺,卻教我感受到這個「新家」的美。 自由的步調讓人快樂起來,生活也就快樂。 希望借這部作品帶大家參與我在台南的生活,展示這福地的美。

I never imagined that Taiwan would become my second home, and as I transformed from Miss Poon in Hong Kong to Mrs. Chen in Tainan, I am learning more and more about my new identity, from the Taiwanese language to the very different lifestyle.

With a curious personality, refined from my previous experience in the media, I am always observing people and things in Tainan and amazed by the beauty of the city every day. Old houses, the unique human touch, the temple culture... Discovering the beauty of this place has become part of everyday life.

I was surprised by the differences between Hong Kong and Taiwan on the way, the hearty beef soup and rice for breakfast, the tomatoes with soy sauce paste... everything was different and turned the minds of Hong Kong people.

Although I am a newcomer to Tainan, I can feel the beauty of this "new home". The pace of freedom makes people happy, and so does life. I hope that this film will bring you into my life in Tainan and show you the beauty of this blessed place.